The studio was founded in 2012 after several years of collaboration within and outside of our studies at the Academy of Visual Arts in Leipzig. The basis for this was – and still is – the principle of a dialogue: design as the result of an exchange between ourselves and with the various participants.
We are a small office of five people and depending on the task at hand, we are joined by colleagues from various disciplines, with whom we collaborate on projects. We always take a holistic approach to our work: From the first preliminary discussions about the assignments, the consultation, the tendering, the graphic design to the supervision of the final production and documentation. We value direct contact and communication with all parties involved. For us, the key to precision and depth lies in this principle of dialogue - the exchange of ideas, motivations and directions that projects can take. The work is characterised by the idea of working together rather than working 'for' someone.

Since 2017, we have had a studio in Berlin and Leipzig with a structure designed for decentralised digital work, where the studio can grow and shrink at the project level. We try to create a working environment where we can work with many people just as quickly and effectively as with a few. We always see ourselves as mediators between different disciplines. Both studios are deliberately located in a larger alliance with other designers and studios.
Our work has been latestly awarded at the International Poster Festival, Chaumont and with the most beautiful swiss books. We have also been awarded with 100 beste Plakate several times. In 2008 we have been awarded with Schönste deutsche Bücher and in 2010 with the Walter-Tiemann-Price. In 2014 we have been shortlisted at the Walter-Tiemann-Price. In 2018 we received the The Award of the Mayor of the City of Brno for a graphic artist of the Brno Biennale.
In addition to our studio work, we have taught at various universities, mostly on a semester basis.
Lamm & Kirch
Max-Beckmann-Str. 5
04109 Leipzig, D – Germany
Lamm & Kirch
c/o Studio44, HH. 2.Og.
Glasower Strasse 44-47
12051 Berlin, D – Germany
M +49 (0) 163 46 26 444 (Florian)
M +49 (0) 179 70 16 771 (Jakob)
For general inquires
For Internships please send a portfolio to Please understand that we can only take two interns a year and the minimum period for an intership is six months. We would recommend to suggest a period in which you want to work with us and also suggest us some type of porjects you want to work on.
- 2020–24EPFL Pavilions Corporatedesign Website Poster
- 2018–24Urbane Künste Ruhr Corporatedesign Website Periodical Poster
- 2021–23Wir arbeiten dran Magazine
- 2012–22Heidelberger Kunstverein Corporatedesign Website Magazine Poster
- 2020–22Live from Earth Corporatedesign
- 2016–22Spector Books: Analyse and Excess Book
- 2019–20Hecke/Rauter: Portrait of a Ghost Poster
- 2018–20Schweizer Grand Prix Design Book
- 2009–18Annette Schröter und Meisterklasse Book Periodical
- 2016–18IFA-Event of a Thread / Bauhaus Raum Newspaper Corporatedesign
- 2012–18Schauspiel Stuttgart Corporatedesign Poster Website
- 2009–15Philara Corporatedesign Poster
- 2008–12howitzweissbach Corporatedesign Website Poster
- 2005–09Designers’ Open Corporatedesign Poster Magazine
- 2021–2024Enter the Hyperscientific Corporatedesign
- 2023Berliner Nachhaltigkeitskalendar Book Periodical
- 2023Christian Theiss: Shape Shifters Book
- 2023IBA Thüringen: Stadtland Projekte und Perspektiven Book
- 2023Johannes Nagel – Tunnel Book
- 2023Jörg Gläscher: Zwölf Wellen/Twelve Waves Book
- 2023Morten Paul: Suhrkamp Theorie Book
- 2023Raul Walch: Azimut Poster
- 2023Ulrich Wüst: Wandern in Geschichte / Wanderings about History Book
- 2022Alan W. Moore: Art Worker. Doing Time in the New York Artworld (Journal of Aesthetics and Protest) Book
- 2022Ani Schulze: Hang in There, Baby. Book
- 2022Eva Berendes: Window Shopping & Facade Book
- 2022Günther Selichar: The Double You Series Book
- 2022Jens Liebchen: L.A. Crossing Book
- 2022Lofft Leipzig: Embrace Embrace Poster
- 2022Ute Mahler, Werner Mahler, Wolfgang Kil: Lissabon 87/88 Book
- 2022Max Korndörfer: Zaunkönig Book
- 2022Schnepp Renou: Ile Bendor Book
- 2022Tobias Kruse: Deponie Book
- 2022Werner Amann: Kein Morgen Book
- 2021Die Dreigroschenoper. Ein Making of. Barrie Kosky inszeniert Brecht/Weill am Berliner Ensemble Book
- 2021Jörg Gläscher: Der Eid / The Oath Book
- 2021Tomoko Kawai: Intimacy of Paradise Book
- 2021Ulrich Wüst: Stadtbilder/Cityscapes (1979–1985) Book
- 2020100 Beste Plakate 2019 Book Corporatedesign Poster
- 2020Alisa Hecke, Julian Rauter: The Big Sleep. Research on Taxidermy Book
- 2020Isabelle Busch, Kathleen Reinhardt, Hilke Wagner (Hg.), Céline Condorelli, Kapwani Kiwanga, Judy Radul, Heimo Zobernig: Demonstrationsräume. Künstlerische Auseinandersetzung mit Raum und Display im Albertinum / Demonstration Rooms. Artistic Confrontations with Space and Display at the Albertinum. Book
- 2020Franziska Holstein: 495 Works on Paper Book
- 2020Hans-Christian Schink: Hinterland Book
- 2020Ute Mahler, Werner Mahler: Fritz, Ennie, Paul, Milla, Marlene, Oskar, Annea, Leni, Fay & Flora Book
- 2020Werner Mahler: Die Eiche Book
- 2019Air Pollution and Health. A Science-Policy Initiative Book
- 2019Ilit Azoulay: No Thing Dies Book
- 2019Living The City: Von Städten, Menschen und Geschichten Website Corporatedesign Poster
- 2019Nam Tchun-Mo: Beam Lines Spring Stroke Book
- 2019Staatliche Kunstsammlungen Dresden: Zukunftsräume. Kandinsky, Mondrian, Lissitzky und die abstrakt-konstruktive Avantgarde Corporatedesign Poster
- 2019Stefan Guggisberg: Zeichnung Book
- 2018China in Leipzig Book
- 2018Expanded Animation Poster
- 2018Jochen Mühlenbrink: Falz. Malerei Painting (2014–2018) Book
- 2018Julius Heinemann: Chronos & Kairos Book
- 2018Ute Mahler, Werner Mahler: Kleinstadt Book
- 2017Glück Poster
- 2017Günther Selichar: Who’s Afraid of Blue, Red and Green? (Works 1990–2017) Book
- 2017Rozbeh Asmani: 72 Colourmarks Book
- 2016Flying High Corporatedesign Poster Website
- 2015Dieter Daniels, Stephan Berg: Telegen Book
- 2015Diskurs Festival Corporatedesign Poster Website
- 2015Julian Rauter: Amerika Poster
- 2014Sebastian Nebe Website
- 2014Wolfang Hesse (Hg.): Das Auge des Arbeiters. Arbeiterfotografie und Kunst um 1930 Book
- 2013New Babylon Poster
- 2013The Condition of Future Ideals Poster
- 2012Axel Töpfer, Jakob Kirch: Main Street Book
- 2012Dieter Daniels, Inke Arns (eds): Sounds Like Silence. John Cage. 4´33´´ Book
- 2012Main Street Poster
- 2012Mais Tor Ski Leer Poster
- 2012Deutsche Nationalbibliothek: Zeichen Bücher Netze. Von der Keilschrift zum Binärcode. Poster Corporatedesign
- 2011Annette Schröter: NUN (Paper Cuts 2008–2011) Book
- 2009Dirk Wackerfuss Fotografie Corporatedesign
- 2023 International Poster Festival Chaumont Chaumont, France
- 2023100 beste Plakate 2022 Kulturforum, Berlin
- 202268th Type Directors Club New York New York, United States of America.
- 2022A Reasonable Folly MZIN, Leipzig, Germany
- 2022100 beste Plakate 2021 Kulturforum, Berlin
- 2022A Feasable Folly Commerce Commerce, Milano, Italy
- 2022International Poster Biennial Mexiko City, Mexiko
- 2021 International Poster Festival Chaumont Chaumont, France
- 2021100 beste Plakate 2020 Kulturforum, Berlin
- 2020Typomania Moscow, Russia
- 2020100 beste Plakate 2019 Kulturforum, Berlin
- 2019László Moholy-Nagy und die Typografie Kunstbibliothek, Staatliche Museen zu Berlin, Germany
- 2019 Typojanchi. Biennale for Typography Seoul, South Korea
- 2018 International Poster Festival Chaumont Chaumont, France
- 2019100 beste Plakate 2018 Kulturforum, Berlin
- 2018100 beste Plakate 2017 Kulturforum, Berlin
- 2017100 beste Plakate 2016 Kulturforum, Berlin
- 2016 International Poster Festival Chaumont Chaumont, France
- 2016Golden Bee, Moscow Global Biennale of Graphic Design. Moscow, Russia
- 2016100 beste Plakate 2015 Kulturforum, Berlin
- 2015100 beste Plakate 2014 Kulturforum, Berlin
- 2015Tokyo TDC Annual Awards 2015 Tokyo, Japan.
- 2014 International Poster Festival Chaumont Chaumont, France
- 2014International Poster Biennal Warsaw, Poland
- 2014100 beste Plakate 2013 Kulturforum, Berlin
- 2013Solid & Liquid Brandenburgischer Kunstverein, Potsdam, Germany
- 2013100 beste Plakate 2012 Kulturforum, Berlin
- 2012The Faces of Racism Revealed Ljubljana, Slovenia.
- 2012 International Poster Festival Chaumont Chaumont, France
- 2012Masterpieces Poster Festival Ljubljana, Slovenia
- 2012100 beste Plakate 2011 Kulturforum, Berlin
- 2010 International Poster Festival Chaumont Chaumont, France
- 2010Aktuelle grafische Gestaltung Leipzig–Luzern Weltformat Plakatfestival, Luzern, Switzerland
- 2010Mein Block Kunstverein Leipzig, Germany
- 2009Never look empty, never feel full Hochschule für Grafik und Buchkunst, Leipzig, Germany
- 2023100 beste Plakate 2022 Catalogue Kettler Verlag
- 2023International Poster Festival Chaumont Catalogue
- 2022Deutscher Drucker.
- 2022100 beste Plakate 2021 Catalogue Kettler Verlag
- 2021International Poster Festival Chaumont Catalogue
- 2021More is More — Designing bigger, bolder, brighter. Victionary, Hong Kong
- 2021100 beste Plakate 2020 Catalogue Kettler Verlag
- 2021Colours Slanted 38
- 2021Unseen CA Design Magazine 258, CA Books, South Korea
- 2020Typomania Catalogue
- 2019100 beste Plakate 2018 Catalogue
- 2019International Poster Festival Chaumont Catalogue
- 2016Novum Studiofeature.
- 2015Graphic Magazine — Bookdesign Issue Propaganda Press, Seoul, South Korea
- 2015Idpure 36 — the swiss magazine of visual creation, graphic design and typography
- 2014Gallery Magazine, Vol 26 Choisyallery
- 2012Out of Print, 1_10 Insitut für Buchkunst, Hochschule für Grafik und Buchkunst Leipzig.
- 2011Bildwelten des Wissens — Band 8.2 — Graustufen, hrsg. von Horst Bredekamp. Akademie Verlag, Berlin.
- 2010Graphic Magazine — Young Studios Issue Propaganda Press, Seoul, South Korea
- 2009Dplusmagazine South Korea
- 2009Best Books 2008 (Readers Digest) Werkplaats Typografie, Arnhem, Netherlands
- 2008Hub zur Kunst
- 2023Visiting Critic Ecal, Lausanne, Switzerland
- 2022Consistency and Playfullness SUPSI – Università degli studi di Milano-Bicocca
- 2022Flexible Formats Intl. Workshops, Glasgow, Scotland
- 2022Forms and Functions FH Dortmund, Germany
- 2021Consistency and Playfullness SGDA Shenzhen, China
- 2021Playful Editing Intl. Assembly, Glasgow, Scotland
- 2019Form / Counterform UdK – University of the Arts, Berlin, Germany
- 2019Basic Channel. HFBK Hamburg, Germany
- 2018Typography Basics Hochschule für Musik und Theater Leipzig, Germany
- 2019Works HfbK, Hochschule für bildene Künste, Hamburg
- 2019On the Format in our Works Typojanchi, Seoul, South Korea
- 2018Knowledge Network and Online Whiteboard Laboratory for Robotics and Digital abrication in Architecture, TH-Zürich, Switzerland
- 2017Mikro Makro Burg Giebichenstein, Halle, Germany
- 2017Thinking New Economics. A basic investigation on bookmaking in the case of Edward Kienholz. Zentrum Geschichte des Wissen, ETH-Zürich, Switzerland.
- 2016Visiting Professor Ecal, Lausanne, Switzerland
- 2016Uncomfortable Objects. A brief walk through history of artistic publications. HfG Offenbach, Germany
- 2016On Rules and Systems in our Work. Projektil Festival, Bauhaus Universität, Weimar
- 2015What you see is what you get Hochschule für Musik und Theater Leipzig, Germany
- 2015Real Fake Halle Burg Giebichenstein, Germany
- 2015Vienna 3000 — Can you see the superfuture? Akademie der bildenen Künste, Wien, Austria.
- 2014Photomechanische Reproduktionstechniken von 1870 — 1920. Kunsthochschule Kassel
- 2014Comunicar Design XI. Esad Caldas da Rainha, Portugal
- 2014Über die Reproduktion epistemischer Bilder. Zentrum Geschichte des Wissen, ETH-Zürich, Switzerland
- 2014Ars quaerendi. Das Künstlerbuch: Zwischen Episteme, Enigma und Exaste HfG Offenbach, Germany
- 2013Photomechanische Reproduktionstechniken. Excelllenzcluster Bild Wissen Gestaltung, Humboldt-Universität Berlin, Germany
- 2012Was wir können. Photomechanische Reproduktionstechniken von 1870 — 1920. Pop-Up Issue in Frankfurt, Germany.
- 2012Photomechanische Reproductionstechniken zwischen 1870 und 1920. HfK Bremen, Germany.
- 2012Photomechanische Reproductionstechniken zwischen 1870 und 1920. Salon für Kunstbuch, Wien, Austria.
- 2012Photomechanische Reproductionstechniken zwischen 1870 und 1920. Burg Giebichenstein, Halle, Germany
- 2012Über Formen des grafischen Editings Salon für Kunstbuch, Vienna, Austria
- 2011Informal Structures School of Architecture, Bremen, Germany
- 2011Methoden der grafischen Reproduktion C/O Berlin, Germany.
- 2009Abendakademie Hochschule für Grafik und Buchkunst Leipzig, Germany.
- 2024Tokyo TDC Annual Awards Tokyo
- 2023Schönste Deutsche Bücher Frankfurt
- 2023100 beste Plakate Berlin
- 2023Gold Medal @ Deutscher Fotobuchpreis Regensburg
- 2023Silver Medal @ Deutscher Fotobuchpreis Regensburg
- 2022100 beste Plakate Berlin
- 2022Type Directors Club New York
- 2021International Poster Festival Chaumont
- 2021100 beste Plakate Berlin
- 2021Schönste Bücher aus aller Welt Frankfurt
- 2021Silver Medal @ Deutscher Fotobuchpreis Regensburg
- 2020Schönste Deutsche Bücher Frankfurt
- 2020100 beste Plakate Berlin
- 2019Graphic Design Festival Scotland Dublin
- 2019100 beste Plakate Berlin
- 2018100 beste Plakate Berlin
- 2018International Poster Festival Chaumont
- 2018Preis des Bürgermeister der Stadt Brünn Brno
- 2017100 beste Plakate Berlin
- 2016Golden Bee Moscow
- 2016International Poster Festival Chaumont
- 2016Walter-Tiemann-Preis Leipzig
- 2016100 beste Plakate Berlin
- 2015Tokyo TDC Annual Awards Tokyo
- 2015100 beste Plakate Berlin
- 2015Graphic Design Festival Scotland Dublin
- 2014International Poster Festival Chaumont
- 2014100 beste Plakate Berlin
- 2013100 beste Plakate Berlin
- 2012International Poster Festival Chaumont
- 2012100 beste Plakate Berlin
- 2011100 beste Plakate Berlin
- 2010International Poster Festival Chaumont
- 2010100 beste Plakate Berlin
- 2009100 beste Plakate Berlin